Get fun and creative ways to enjoy a substance-free Halloween with Recovery Care.Between a full moon and an extra hour of night, Halloween 2020 will be a strange one -- not least of all due to restrictions on social activities due to COVID-19. While this may be good news for those in recovery who are hoping to avoid parties and other substance use triggers, it’s important to remember that isolation, loneliness and boredom can also open the door for a relapse.  

Dr. Rosen and the team at Recovery Care want our patients to know that they can enjoy Fright Night 2020 while fighting their addiction and staying healthy. Here are a few great tips for a spooky, sober Halloween night:

Keep Busy With Crafts

As we’ve discussed in previous blogs, boredom and a lack of engaging activities can ultimately lead to relapse in those fighting addiction, and sitting at home with nothing to actively occupy you could open the door for substance use. Fortunately, Halloween is the perfect time to try out some festive crafts that will keep your mind and hands busy! Between pumpkin carving, making ghosts from tissues and cutting out construction paper bats, there are plenty of ways to spend your evening being creative.

Treat Yourself to Sober Snacks

Between boredom and loneliness, finding yourself all alone on Halloween night may pose a tempting opportunity to use substances -- but creating a delicious, festive menu for yourself can be a great way to curb your cravings and stay sober. Even though most neighborhoods will forego trick or treating and tiny visitors are unlikely, there’s nothing wrong with indulging in a bit of Halloween candy to make your night sweet. That said, there are also plenty of healthy options to keep yourself occupied in the kitchen as you cook up your fright night treats!

Plan a Scary Movie Night

We all need a little escape now and then, especially if you’re going through the difficult journey of addiction recovery. It may surprise you to learn that horror movies can actually reduce anxiety in some individuals, giving you room to externalize your stress and fear rather than bottle it up inside. If horror movies give you too much of the creeps to be enjoyable, never fear -- a Halloween-themed comedy can also do the trick (or treat), as laughter can be a great source of stress relief as well. 

Have a Virtual Party

At Recovery Care, we urge all of our patients to remain cautious of exposure to COVID-19, even though it may be tempting to spend Halloween with a group of friends. However, we’re fortunate to live in a time when reaching out and spending time with your support system remotely is easier than ever. Consider planning a virtual sober Halloween party with those who support your recovery. Hang out over Zoom, watch your scary movies of choice, drink some delicious Halloween mocktails, and enjoy the company of those who care about you most. 

If you need support for your addiction recovery during these troubling times, look no further than Dr. Rosen and the team at Recovery Care. We’re happy to offer counseling, medication-assisted treatment and even addiction-sensitive primary care to those who are looking to beat their addiction.
Ready to get the addiction recovery care you need? Schedule an appointment today and take the first step toward being your best self.